Planning for the future… What happens when the future is here?


With an attention span of a goldfish , I always found myself making calendars and to do lists during lectures. I would try to plan out major events or tasks, i.e. finishing medical school, papers due, boards, vacations, rotations, finishing residency. I remember the last time I made the calender task list was probably last summer, prior to starting 3rd year residency.
It was the home stretch. Job was lined up (link), baby on board… Just had to pass boards and get to July 2012. Well, despite a few unexpected kicks in the nuts, which I won’t get in to here, I secured a great job, better than I could have imagined mind you, passed boards, and graduated residency.

Now I am about to reach the end point of my last calander/planner. once I start work I know there are always tasks to plan for, but as for those life events… What do you do when you reached your foreseeable goals? Obviously you make new goals.

I never thought this day would actually come.

It’s funny, I didnt realize this until just now… I will obviously be planning for events that far more important from now on. These events will make all those past milestones seem like mere fluff… I will be marking down/dreading events such as April 20th, 2022 and 2027… When ViviBear becomes a teenager and wants to start driving!

I know many people have had this thought regarding me… my god, Alex is a dad…

Back to the point at hand… new era starts July 16th. Can not wait.

2 Replies to “Planning for the future… What happens when the future is here?”

    1. I guess I need to start making a bucket list. The things I think of listing now just isnt the same as being back in school. There was a definite end in sight, though nebulous as it may have seemed, since it feels like I was in school for an eternity. Since highschool: 4 years undergrad, 2 years grad, 4 years medical school, 3 years residency for a total of 13 years additional. I mean K-12 was about 13 years, so it too me a whole additional lifetime to get to this point in life. afterthought, time flies, but back then, time seemed to stand still.

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