Just after 24hrs, health status excellent. We are on our way home.
“my first car ride”
Fits in the Graco carseat. Snug as a bug.
back home
Made it back to the house
My pal Stella told me that when they had a second child, they offset the jealousy factor when they came home by saying new baby sister brought a present. So this big box has a gift from Juliette Meimei to ViviBear.
Meeting combo for the first time
Vivi and Combo Meet JulietteViviBear rocks her Juliette Meimei
Vivienne already is taking on the big sis roll well. She is protective and caring:-) Combo is trying to get a glimpse, but ViviBear puts down the law.
800p: Alas, our family is whole, at home, safe and sound. I am surrounded estrogen. Well Combo was spayed, but you get the point. Thank you everyone for all the well wishes!
They both appear to have been in the womb of my BabyMama MommyMD. With much hesitancy (not from my standpoint), I am proud to announce that MommyMD finally ate one peanut too many! It seems one has lodged inside her womb.
Ultrasound almost 10 weeks
It’s scary to think that it was about over 2 years ago when this process first started with the ViviBear.
ViviBear 2010
I first found out about the Peanut when I came back from my brother’s bachelor party in Las Vegas in early Feb. For those that know me, tt has been difficult to keep it on the DL. Of course it did let slip to one or two people.
I remember when I first found out the ViviBear journey was underway, which was an exciting and frightening. I… was going to be a dad! Again, I get to repeat those those feelings of excitement and apprehension, but I am already a dad. now… I will be a dad with a 2.5 year old and a newborn, going through the crying and poop diapers again. I must say I miss the neonate/baby days where they are so tiny that they cant crawl yet. All they do is lay there. Then start to roll around. Then start to crawl… It’s exciting to see each developmental milestone met. Then I think about how ViviBear can be such a bear at times… I will have two of them crawling on me, yelling, crying at me and wanting to play… as exhausting as I know it will be, it is putting a smile on my face as I type this.
Now the next question is whether ViviBear will have a baby brother or baby sister.
By special request, Clement has been asking side by side comparisons throughout the years. From what I could dig up, here you go. I tell you what I hate calculating backwards to figure out ages based on dates. Too much brain power for me. (always makes it tedious to input immunization data and make sure people are up to date/on schedule with shots.
So do you think VviBear will grow up to be as pretty as her daddy?:)
It has been a while since I have made any posts of late, but I am back. Aside from being busy doctoring, changing out my outdoor pond pump, setting up a new home media server, and setting up our new ViviBear Cam… well this is not 100% accurate. I’ve been doing these things over the course of the past 1-2 months, so I guess I really do not have an excuse as to why I have not been posting. Then again, do I really need an excuse? It’s not like I have dedicated viewers awaiting my every word.
Back to the point: It’s amazing to see such fervor over this Korean Pop/rapper star Psy and his song Gangname Style. Aside from being very amusing, there is some very interesting social commentary embedded in the video/song which is explained in this article here.
Sow now ViviBear is about 17 mo going on 18mo. It is amazing how much development and progress happens over the course of a month. It may be due to her starting daycare, and the socialization process. Not sure, but she is starting to copy more of my words and actions. I decided to take advantage of this and see if I can get her to do the “Gangnam Style” dance. Almost there. Video is posted below
It is unfortunate she falls on the ground crying, but I can not help myself from watching this repeatedly without laughing. One day she will hate me for this, especially when I play this video and all the others at her wedding:)
Knowing she is absorbing everything she sees and hears, I really have to be careful about watching TV these days (I probably should have been more careful about 6 months ago when I was watching Spartacus on Stars (with all the blood, breasts and violence). I was watching some SouthPark, and MommyMD reminded/scolded me for watching it with ViviBear. I didnt realize how engrossed in the show she was… and I realized… hmm bad parenting here.
You wonder why some children run around insane, destroying things and hurt other kids. Likely they are watching their parents behavior and mimicking That stated, I really hope ViviBear doesnt end up biting people’s ears off, cause then people may think they learned that from us. (well at least combo). It is funny to watch her poke MommyMD’s bum with her finger and say “butt butt”. ~sense of pride~ she’s learning so much so fast.
Maybe this means I need to neater as well. I want to set a good example. Don’t want a slob of a child.
I really hope I dont scar her for life with all these videos and posts:)
I fear the things to come… MommyMD and Vivi were upstairs in the Arena. I came up to see what they were doing, and I see mommy passed out on the ground and ViviBear lounging on the couch. Usually she would not sit so contently by herself. She usually is crawling all over MommyMD or trying to find a way to escape the Arena, or playing with her Toys. Instead, she was sitting on the couch, content. I notice her chopping way. Then I notice a PB and J sandwich in her left hand. This 1-year-old somehow was able to crawl/climb on to the couch, grab MommyMD’s PB and J sandwich, and sit there haughtily eating it. I asked Mommy, “why is Vivi on the couch?” with the reply: “what huh? OMG”.
ViviBear with her Twin
It appeared that Vivi was enjoying a snack, watching the screen saver on the monitor, while MommyBear slumbered below.
Turns out ViviBear had been utilizing her Piglet (a gift from Nai Nai) as a stepping stool to climb up. It is amazing to me how she has figured out how to manuever obstacles and manipulate her surroundings to her advantage. I’ve witnessed her slide/crawl off the bed and couches… I suppose this is abilities of a 1-year-old? I should know I suppose.
I do fear what she will be doing next now. Before I know it she will be taking my car and driving off…