10/5/13, 300am

35 hrs in: Juliette is crying her head off. As people tell me when you have two kids you play man2man vs done defense.
I figured I would be managing ViviBear. Stay out of MommyMd‘s way and let her do the mommy infant thing. Sleep outside ViviBear’s room so I don’t have to wait up every hour… Wait. I probably could be helping mommy some how.
This newborn thing is throwing me off. Had not needed to clean a poppy diaper in many months now. ViviBear usually plops in the toilet (for the past year plus). On top of that, what’s with the crying when I change your diaper doode…
Now I can’t sleep and I am writing this. I think I got poop on my thumb…
Realization. If I had a boob shoved in my mouth, is stop crying too.
After waking up (me that is) once or twice, I am amazed ViviBear slept through most of the night. Props to MommyMD that has to be the one that wakes up and shoves her udder into those chompers. No doubt, despite all the tiredness/sleeplessness… this is nothing compared to what the mother of bears had to do before/during/now and later. I still hold the right to wine/moan and search for pitty points.
on another note, since the pushing is over, am I still obligated to find a “Push Gift?”
With a cup of coffee in hand, it is time to take the ViviBear along to run errands. Need hand sanitizer, new formula and… Blanking.
Just got done with my morning errands after forgetting multiple times why I was there and what I was buying and it being distracted with buying other things I was not supposed to buy

Can you tell which side is the stuff I am supposed to by versus the stuff I stuff into the cart along the way?
I mean I need more pumpkins. I’ve always had a penchant for pumpkins (not as much as penguins). Something about finding a perfectly round pumpkin. Anyway there is another larger one not pictured.
Not sure how but this trip cost 85$ at Kroger.

As baby Juliette Slumbers, MommyMD gets to eat sashimi for the first time in 9 months.

Now it is time to sanitize the bottles. MommyMD had them stored away for a while. I think they were boiled prior to being stored, but why not

This reminds me of the beer bottle sensitization step. Still have that bag-full to soup up. Now there is a large rack of baby bottles being dried, and of course ViviBear wants to use them. We were afraid this would happen but so far she has taken it well that she “is no longer a baby and is a big girl now.”
I do remember growing up that whenever my brother got a gift for his birthday I would always be a little sad as well, since I didn’t get anything. This is definitely going to be an issue with ViviBear (and probably Juliette).
I don’t know how feasible it is to always buy them each something when the time comes, like the “gift” Juliette got Vivi on her home coming:-)

Still very tired. Not a whole lot going on really.
It was nice that Grandparents were able to get the TdAP and Flu shot. Being born in October heading right into Flu Season, MommyMD was very adamant about any visitors being UTD on shots. Nothing sucks like a <2month old with a fever. Auto Admit/Lumbar Puncture. Here’s to hoping we have an uneventful winter.