So I have two weeks+ to get stuff done that I have been putting off for many years or have not thought of doing it. How did I spend my first day no long as a resident?
1. started cleaning out parent’s basement: MommyMD always gets on my case about hoarding boxes and items that she deems useless. I always tell her “I MAY NEED IT LATER”. Usually i never ever ever need it again, until I throw it away. That’s how it always happens right? Well I learned this from my parents. They are incessant about keeping boxes and… well everything, down to broken projection screen TVs. WTF are we keeping this stuff? At least if it is broken, I wont keep it (usually). Well today I brought up a 45″ projection screen TV up by myself, and I tell you that was difficult. Stupid thing is I could have asked for help but I didnt. My parents are currently getting work done on their house with Paul Werner from Werner Contracting, they are the company (and my neighbor) that built our patio and deck. They are in the middle of tearing out their old rotting deck, and fixing up the exterior. Back to the story, they were available, but for some reason I did not want to bother them so I took it upon myself to bring that stupid TV upstairs. The frame isnt that heavy with the components removed, but I did need help to throw that POS on top of the dumpster. Well there is still more cleaning to do, and I really don’t think I will be able to get it totally clean in order for Paul & Co to start finish the basement (phase 3 of my parent’s projects). I did clear out a bunch of firewood (by the way do not keep firewood in the basement). Then there are these empty boxes, which I can go throw and break down to recycle (the dumpster is full). Then there are these boxes full of papers my dad has collected over the past… 30 + years. I really dont think a lot of this stuff will ever be looked at again or used again. Very frustrating, because I want to throw it away, but am not sure if I am allowed to. I would think if I threw it away, he wouldn’t even notice, which brings us back to… the dumpster is full, so we need another dumpster… ahhhhhhh.
Attempting to clean out their basement out has opened my eyes to how MommyMD must view me. I always keep boxes… I mean I may need to return something or sell it or …. or ship something. Well I realize now it is not worth it. Typically I dont return things, and if I do sell something, can just put it in a different box. All those papers I have collected over the years… time to use it in the fire pit I suppose. I really hope I do not end up on hoarders one day.
2. Dropped by the new office today. I wanted to take another gander to figure out what else I need to get settled in, set up the computer, and figure the lay of the land prior to starting. Also helped configure their new T1 internet connection. I brought a penguin print I bought myself for fathersday

Already have my Diploma and Board License up… I think I need more penguins. Since I’m trying to clean up my parents house, I think I might as well take some of the penguins and take them to work:) Also need some family photos.
3. Took Vivi to the pool yet again, this time we had more success with her not crying. I think the key is to stay in the very very very shallow end until she is ready. Seemed to work. Many 102 degF… pool felt great!

*need to do still*
4. Need to hire a medical assistant. I tried to fish away some great people I’ve worked with before, but they probably know better than to work with me, or have a good gig as it is. So apparently they will be putting an add out Monday. If you know of any GOOD Medical assistants that are looking to work with an awesome, handsome, smart physician, tell them to keep looking, otherwise if they want to work with me… let me know.

5. Finish mulching the yard
6. Clean out KoiPond – it is green yet again… ALGAE!!!!
7. Will be getting a new phone and hopping over to Verizon… there you go Ed. I did it. I also opted for a new number, so for those of you that care enough, rest assured you will have it. Wont get the new phone and # until Mid July.
…. to be continued I am sure.
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