Michael Crichton continues to publish in the afterlife

Unfinished Book by Michael Chrichton, Co-Authored by Richard Preston

I happened to be perusing facebook, and to the corner of my eye I catch in big white letters “Michael Chrichton.” What is this? I ask myself. It appears there is another book by my favorite author of all time, Michael Chrichton (rest his soul). He unfortunately passed away from throat cancer in in 2008.

I was always inspired by the fact he went to medical school at Harvard, and went on to write novels. I would say one of my favorite books has to be Jurassic Park (I read the book before there was ever a hint of a movie), Congo, and Sphere. While I was in China a few years ago, I noticed a book on the shelves of the Beijing Airport shop by Michael Crichton, Pirate Latitudes. Mind you this was after he had passed, and I have read all his books, so I was skeptical, yet intrigued. Being in China who knows what you are buying. The cover said something about “never released” blah blah blah. I felt the book was a fun read, and the last book by Crichton i would get to enjoy.

Now I see this. Apparently this book was partially finished. Crichton had 1/3 of the manuscript done, with notes/research outlines etc. More info can be found here on the Crichton website. I do not know how I feel about some co-author finishing his book. I think I would feel that the story would not be authentic. Then again I have not read it yet, and it may be great. Now when will I have time to purchase and read it? To get an electronic version, or to buy a paperback to add to my collection. I think I can wait.

Are there any other Crichton fans out there? Many times I feel like I am alone on this one. I cant get “the boss” to read any of his books.

Anyone read this one yet?

Last Action Hero


Speaking of Jurassic Park, I never had a chance to watch the movie in theaters. I remember when it came out it was the first movie that I remember that had lines wrapping around the theater just to get in. Now I had an opportunity to watch it, and was going with my little cousin to watch it. He insisted that we watch Last Action Hero. Reflecting back, the movie is not the worst (that would have to be The Thin Red Line). At the time I was not very happy since I got to miss out on the hoopla. I remember arguing with my cousing about which movie to watch, but he insisted on Schwarzenegger. I finally go to see the movie when it came out on VHS though (yes VHS).  Fun fact.


Gotta go clean bottles/baby food up. Outtie like a belly button.

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