To SFO and back: Visiting the Grand Matriarch -Live Blog
So my paternal grandmother is the last grandparent I have. I believe she turned 104 this year. Her health has been declining for the past few years, but my Uncle and especially Aunts have been taking amazing care of her. Despite having active gangrene in her foot feet for the past 3 months, she is still kicking (figuratively obviously). The surgeons deemed her too high risk for amputation, and I wouldn’t wish her to go through that painful process anyway. I believe she is currently under palliative care. Maybe hospice. Wasn’t my decision to make either way. I’m glad to have this opportunity to fly out to see her.
Currently I await the flight out. I don’t often fly solo. I like having a travel companion.

The above picture was when Vivi and I went out for my maternal Grandmother a funeral in Phoenix. Though it was sad reason we had to travel, it was memorable traveling with just me and Viv. I definitely do NOT miss the amount of crap we had to take (car seats, extra clothes in case of emergencies).

I didn’t take a picture of the massive line at the security checkpoint, but I can say getting TSA Precheck is worth it! The regular line was all the way out to the checkin counter (@CMH).
I’ve ben chillin (that’s for clement) on the plane for 3 hrs or so now. One of the things I do enjoy is access to the movies.
So my grandmother is fairly remarkable. Aside from the fact she is 104 (I may have some of the details wrong about these stories), but she grew up in a small town in China. She fled to Taiwan with my grandfather and her 2 children my big aunt and my dad) during the Japanese occupation. My grandfather was a law professor, so they woukd have been targeted. In Taiwan she raised a total of four children, and eventually immigrated to the US, where she primarily lived in San Jose, Ca. She would take turns staying with each family member in the states.
Oh, landed!

I’ll update this as the travel continues.
Tamsui Taiwan Day 3: getting settled in Personal time exploring
Jetlag? Nah. Up at 5am local time. Let’s go workout for a run.
Had to get my bearings first. Without highspeed internet this is difficult, but luckily I have something and can at least use Google maps to get my way home. About 1.5 mile run to the beach but get stuck at this barrier. #Tamsuiborderwall
So many stray dogs. I wanted to pet them then I realized… Not a good idea. So I didn’t
Didn’t do much the whole day otherwise. We went to the local market to get supplies and eat.
MommyMd and I did get chance to explore some more we ventured to get a local SIM card to get some highspeed data.
For references for anyone ever planning to go to Taiwan, you need a passport and another ID (usually your driver’s license). Current law allows for one mobile phone number per person.
For internet you could rent a portable Personal 4G wifi router that you pick up at the airport upon arrival. We should have done this but did not. They also sell local SIM cards at the airport. I prefer to get the prepaid cards from there local telecom shops. Just remember to make sure your phone is SIM unlocked.
Depending on what carrier you use, they have different plans. Far EasTone offers a 1 day, 3 day and 5 day Unlimited data use. You can also get a 30 unlimited option.
After getting out SIM setup it was way to hot and tiring to walk back so we tried out the YouBikes. It’s a bike sharing program they over in Taipei. You get a bike for about 3USD and ride it around for 4 hrs. You get charged more for the money you need it.
Riding back up home was much quicker esp in this heat. It’s kinda scary to ride here with all the crazy traffic. Also not helmets. Noone wears a bike helmet here.
After passing out a few hrs we have dinner at home and end the night with some lychees.
First (whole) family trip to Taiwan: Day 1
Semi live blog:
It has been 13 years since MommyMd and I went to Taiwan. Vivi was fortunate to go back with Nainai right after her 4th birthday.
5/2016 vivi’s first trip to taiwan
Now 13 years later with a Juju, we venture back to the humid hot island of Taiwan.
6/2018 family trip, Vivi’s second adventure
Waiting for the plane
Up at 3 am finishing packing. Vivi and Juju we’re a little difficult to rouse but the excitement set in and we were off to the airport.
First let me tell you TSA Precheck is amazing. First time using.
There was a super long line to get through security, and no line at the PRE check. If you don’t have Precheck, get it!
6am: Now that we got here super early, we got 2 hrs to wait.
Might as well explore
Exploring concourse B @CMH: family bathroom
Things are getting silly now: “I’m queen of the world!” ~Juju
8:20am local Chicago time (9:20 in Ohio)
Excited to be enroute to the next flight.
Going through that lighted path at ORD
I used to love running through here
Enjoying the United club. If you happen to have an extended layover anywhere, access to the United Club is very nice.
9:37am Chicago time: on the plane, let’s go to SFO
1215pm (315pm ohio) touchdown to SFO.
Short layover then on the Long haul.
And after a 1hr delay
225p:Ready to board
So grandma got upgraded to a better seat so it left a gap in our eating. Somehow I got screwed with a center seat between strangers. Yay.
12hrs + of fun
They look like they are having fun
Must be nice
Complimentary treats with the international flights.
So I caved and purchased the inflight internet. I can only watch so many movies nonstop.
Finished Geostorm, Justice League, 12 Soldiers, now watching Downsizing.
Very hard to sleep and not end up leaning on your neigbor.
The girls are splayed out and are out.
I’m not even sure what time it is. I thinks it’s 1018p Ohio time. Still 9 hrs left.
6.5 hrs left. Just finished I, Tonya and now Hostiles
Done with jumanji. Less than 2 hrs left
Less than 1 hr left.